Yalbo Shipyards

Alameda Class Cruiser

Temerity Class Light Cruiser

Ohio Class Frigate

Chekov Class Heavy Frigate

Defender Class Heavy Cruiser

Dover Class PA Vessel

Dunkirk Class Medical Cruiser

Lydia Class Light Cruiser

Nausicaa Class Courier

New Hampshire Class Cruiser

Mayfair Class Light Cruiser


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Dunkirk Class

Medical Heavy Cruiser

To compensate for the disaster of the Recovery Automated Rescue and Evacuation Project of the 2170’s. Federation Auxiliary Services and Starfleet Medical looked to modify existed vessel classes to meet this critical need for the Federation. The Dunkirk Class, developed in the late 2290’s, helped to meet this critical need.

Based on the earlier M’Benga class medical cruiser, the Dunkirk engineers simply expanded the carrying capacity of the starship by connecting two additional engineering sections to the original engineering hold. This effectively tripled the carrying capacity of the starship. Due to the M’Benga class’s unique warp nacelle alignment, this ship was able to take on the extra mass and size without extensive calibration of the warp fields. Despite this, the M’Benga was found to have a lower than expected maximum warp tolerance. Although this was not critical in terms of moving population with advanced warning, the Dunkirk was unsuitable to the task of making last-minute evacuations of large populations. The class was later refitted to accept a larger warp sling that would allow it to be used in such a fashion. However, by that point, construction efforts had been shifted to other vessel designs, and the Dunkirk class production was abandoned. The final vessel of the line, the Refuge, was never placed into active service as was sold to a commercial shipping firm.

Dunkirk Class Production Schedule

USS Rescue USS Salvation
USS Mother Teresa USS Refuge
USS Dunkirk  

USS Rescue
Whoever destroys a single life is as guilty as though he had destroyed the entire world; and whoever rescues a single life earns as much merit as though he had rescued the entire world.
- The Talmud, Mishna. Sanhedrin

USS Mother Teresa
We shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it.
- Sir Winston Churchill

USS Dunkirk
I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.
- Abraham Lincoln

USS Salvation
Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.
- William Shakespeare

USS Refuge
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free...
-Emma Lazarus

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