The Black Rings

A group of unlikely heros and drifters come together to solve an age-old mystery and a sinister darkness - before it threatens to consume them all.

The Party
Meet the hearty derringdoers and heroes of this small band that stands against the darkness:

Shroud Wayfarer (pdf)
Kiesthin (pdf)
Olind (pdf)
Kiera (pdf)

The Black Rings campaign was originally set in motion by the Lost Party (below): Kiera, Finnelgan, Iago, and Elf girl.


Seekers of the Hidden Truth

From under the wing of Mountainshadow, Ikeris the beastmaster journeys forth into an unknown world, side by side with adventurers determined to discover what plans his master has for the world - and to thwart him. Where will his loyalties lead him?

Sadly, Ikeris' journey with the Seekers ended at Haven near the borders of the ruins of Parlainth. Ikeris has these brave could to thank for opening his eyes and introducing him to the wonders and dangers of the world. Now, Ikeris forges his own destiny: to bring back the lost lost knowledges of the Beastmaster - if indeed they ever existed.

You ask you I Trust Implicitly?
My companions?
My master?
Nay, sir, only my dog.

Seekers Adventure Logs
Gadavaron Simarilion, Troll Illusionist and Seeker of Hidden Things, chronicles his adventuring parties journey into the unfathomable mysteries of Barsauve and the plots of dragonkind.

Senkete Kirti Speren

Allow Ferrental Adrilankha Sortizendra, the improbable yet dashing swordsmaster, troubadour and warrior adept, introduce you to his Barony and his friends, the famed adventurers known as Senkete Kirti Speren!

"You Keep Saying 'Foolhardy' when you obviously mean to say 'uncommonly heroic'. Your vocabulary needs work."

Census of Ferryport (pdf)
Yours to see just because its this kind of anal attention to detail that deserves to be showcased. A census of the citizens of Throal that call the Barony of Ferryport Home. A listing of the towns people and businesses of this Northern crossroad.

Map of Ferryport

Diagram of Atlosh Kharro, the Castle of Ferryport

Ferrental's Adventure Logs
Thrill to the deeds of Senkete Kirti Speren

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