Ever wonder what the vl names would be if they lived in the Star Wars Universe?

You see, it's easy to figure out your Star Wars alter ego's name - For the first name, take the first three letters of your last name and add the first two letters of your last name. For your last name, take the first two letters of your mother's maiden name and add the first three leters of your place of birth. Instant exotic name.

With a little creative license, I have taken those names, picked approproate races for the names, and created a New Republc fighter squadron - Krayt Squadon, of course (after all, isn't a Krayt Dragon just a big, overgrown lizard? Better than Dewback Squadron).

Marst Stann
(Steven Marsh)
Human male from Corellia
Powsa Kicap
Trandoshan female from Nal Hutta
Toeco Otchi
Ithorian male from Ithor
Watde Restu
Human male from Bastion
Shaph Liway
Human male from Carida

Marka Masol

Bothan female from Bothawui

Colma Pafor

Chiss male from Outer Rim
Steje Mofor
Twilek male from Ord Mantell
Stekr Hadel
Human female from Alderaan
Pieje Waroy
Exotic female from the Corporate Sector
(Mike Green)
Roonan male from Coruscant
Metho Dupal
Omwat female from Omwat

Sullustan male from Sullust
Devaronian male from Corellia
Twilek female from Chandrilla
(Mike Kelly)
Wookie male from Kessel
Krehe Anjac
Human female from Dathomir
(Will Huttner)
Aqualish male from Sluis Van

And, of course, JEDI (couldn't resist...his name screams Jedi)
Gil Ben Yehuda
(Gil Ben Yehuda)
Human Male from Naboo


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